BanemawsInstinct_1.png BanemawsInstinct_2.png BanemawsInstinct_3.png BanemawsInstinct_4.png BanemawsInstinct_5.png BanemawsInstinct_6.png

Increases the damage of Banemaw’s single target damaging spell, increases the speed granted by Banemaw’s speed increasing spell, and increases the damage granted by Banemaw's troop damage spell.

Lowest Rarity Current Maximum Rarity Element
rarity-common.png rarity-mythic.png Ice

The following ancients may equip this piece of gear:

Banemaw - Wolf Pack (5 Mana), Chilling Howl (10 Mana), Bloodthirst (15 Mana)


Gear Quality Single Target Damage Increase Speed Increase Troop Damage Increase Astralite to Equip
rarity-common.png 100% 55% 105% 12
rarity-superior.png 110% 70% 120% 20
rarity-rare.png 120% 85% 135% 32
rarity-epic.png 130% 100% 150% 40
rarity-legendary.png 140% 115% 165% 55
rarity-mythic.png 150% 130% 180% 70

Astral Gear overview