LupitasMemento_1.png LupitasMemento_2.png LupitasMemento_3.png LupitasMemento_4.png LupitasMemento_5.png

Equip on Lupita to increase healing with spells and damage with single target abilities. At Legendary rarity Frenzy's attack speed is also increased.

Lowest Rarity Current Maximum Rarity Element
Rarity_Common.png Rarity_Legendary.png Nature

The following ancients may equip this piece of gear:

Lupita - Frenzy (5 Mana), Stare Down (10 Mana), Lycanthropy (15 Mana)


Gear Quality Healing Increase Single Target Damage Increase Frenzy Attack Speed Increase Astralite to Equip
Rarity_Common.png 100% 50% 12
Rarity_Superior.png 200% 100% 20
Rarity_Rare.png 300% 150% 32
Rarity_Epic.png 400% 200% 40
Rarity_Legendary.png 500% 500% 70% 55

Astral Gear overview