Spearmaster's Pledge
Increases the damage of single target damaging spells. (instant damage, and damage over time)
Lowest Rarity | Current Maximum Rarity | Element |
Fire |
The following ancients may equip this piece of gear:
Nezha - Fire Wheels (5 Mana)
Karis Sunstaff - Flame Hex (5 Mana)
Gear Quality | Single-Target Damage Increase | Astralite to Equip |
5% | 12 | |
7% | 20 | |
9% | 32 | |
11% | 40 |
Rarity | Recipe | Crafting Time | Astronomy Tower Level | Max Crafting Quantity |
1 hour | 1 | n/a | |
4 hours | 2 | n/a | |
12 hours | 3 | n/a | |
24 hours | 3 | n/a |