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'Plague' deals additional damage. At Rare and above 'Plague' slows the attack speed of buildings. At Epic and above gain a bonus Virulent Undead troop in battle which loses health each second and explodes dealing area damage on death. At Mythic, Virulent Undead applies 'Plague' on attack.

Lowest Rarity Current Maximum Rarity Element
Rarity_Common.png Rarity_Mythic.png Death

The following ancients may equip this piece of gear:

Yalenati - Plague (15 Mana)


Gear Quality Plague Damage Bonus Plague Defense Attack Speed Reduction Virulent Undead Troop (see below) Astralite to Equip
Rarity_Common.png 125% 12
Rarity_Superior.png 150% 55% 20
Rarity_Rare.png 175% 60% 32
Rarity_Epic.png 200% 65% Yes 40
Rarity_Legendary.png 300% 75% Yes 55
Rarity_Mythic.png 600% 85% Yes 70

Virulent Undead

Virulent Undead Hitpoints Damage Per Attack Health Lost Each Second Plague Applied on Attack Death Explosion Damage Death Explosion Wall Damage
Rarity_Epic.png 4000 250 4% No 450 2925
Rarity_Legendary.png 6000 500 2% No 900 5850
Rarity_Mythic.png 9000 1000 1% Yes 1800 11700

Astral Gear overview