The Skywatcher attacks air units. Deals additional damage based on the max health percentage of the target.

Size Attack Speed Attack Range Damage Type Splash Radius Troop Target Type
3x3 0.33 shots per second (3s) 8 tiles Physical 2 Tiles Air only
Level Upgrade Cost (Gold) Upgrade Cost (Rings) Upgrade Cost (Arcadian Coins) Upgrade Time Stronghold Level Required Mithril Required
1 18,00 - - 3 Hours 5 -
2 27,000 - - 3 Hours 30 Minutes 5 -
3 65,000 - - 4 Hours 6 -
4 160,000 - - 6 Hours 7 -
5 510,000 60 - 15 Hours 9 -
6 1,100,000 144 - 2 Days 11 -
7 1,800,000 248 - 3 Days 13 -
8 3,100,000 1,100 - 6 Days 15 -
9 4,200,000 2,200 - 7 Days 15 -
10 6,900,000 3,630 - 10 Days 16 -
11 8,280,000 6,500 - 12 Days 17 35
12 9,280,000 10,500 - 12 Days 17 100
13 10,400,000 12,500 - 14 Days 18 120
14 16,500,000 13,000 - 14 Days 18 130
15 19,000,000 14,000 - 14 Days 19 150
16 20,000,000 15,000 - 14 Days 19 170
17 - 15,000 20,000 14 Days 19 190
18 20,000,000 15,000 - 14 Days 20 190
Level Hit Points Damage Per Second Splash Damage Per Shot
1 430 4.2 11 - 14, + 8% of troop max HP
2 505 4.5 12 - 15, + 8% of troop max HP
3 545 5.2 14 - 17, + 8% of troop max HP
4 585 5.7 15 - 19, + 8% of troop max HP
5 700 7.5 20 - 25, + 8% of troop max HP
6 780 9.2 24 - 31, + 8% of troop max HP
7 860 11.3 30 - 38, + 8% of troop max HP
8 1,170 13.7 36 - 46, + 8% of troop max HP
9 1,325 15.0 40 - 50, + 8% of troop max HP
10 2,050 18.6 53 - 67, + 8% of troop max HP
11 2,350 20.70 60 - 76, + 8% of troop max HP
12 2,600 22.50 66 - 84, + 9% of troop max HP
13 2,990 28.00 76 - 97, + 9% of troop max HP
14 3,439 33.00 87 - 111, + 9% of troop max HP
15 4,126 38.00 100 - 128, + 9% of troop max HP
16 4,951 43.00 115 - 147, + 10% of troop max HP
17 5,942 50.00 133 - 169, + 10% of troop max HP
18 7,902 66.00 177 - 225, + 12% of troop max HP

Mithril Upgrades and costs

There are three Mithril upgrades to choose from:

1. Reinforced. Skywatcher takes half damage from Flying Troops and Dragons, and it immune to full disables.
2. Dragon. Will prefer to target Dragons over other air units when possible and range is increased by 35%.
3. Cripple. Affected flying troops and Dragons will have 25% reduced damage for 5 seconds.

Mithril upgrade costs, once you have invested in an upgrade tree (see below) you are locked into it. To invest you must pay the Mithril and ring cost which scales based in points already invested:

Count Mithril Cost Ring Cost
1 1 200
2 2 400
3 3 800
4 4 1600
5 5 2800