
Event Schedule

This event will run from Monday, June 15th at 11:00 am UTC to Monday, June 29 th at 11:00 am UTC.

Event Requirements

5000+ honor and entered the arena

Players will earn Arena Points by holding onto honour!

How to Participate

During the two week run of the Arena Season, all players who have entered the arena with at least 5000 honor will periodically receive Arena Points based on their current honor. The more honor you have accrued, the more Arena Points you will receive.
These points will be tracked on a leaderboard where you can track your progress and that of your rivals, and at the end of the Arena Season you will receive prizes based on your leaderboard ranking.

Earning Arena Points

During the arena season, every 20 minutes all players who have at least 5000 honor will receive Arena Points based on their honor at that time. These points are collected while online or offline alike, just so long as you have 5000+ honor! You can find the exact amount of Arena Points you’ll earn per 20 minute interval in the table below.

Arena Season Points

Honor Arena Points Earned Per Interval
5000 - 5300 1
5301 - 5600 2
5601 - 5900 3
5901 - 6100 4
6101 - 6300 5
6301 - 6500 6
6501 - 6600 7
6601 - 6700 8
6701 - 6800 9
6801 - 6900 10
6901 - 7000 11
7001 - 7100 12
7101 - 7200 13
7201 - 7300 14
7301 - 7400 15
7401 - 7500 16
7501 - 7550 17
7551 - 7600 18
7601 - 7650 19
7651 - 7700 20
7701 - 7750 21
7751 - 7800 22
7801 - 7850 23
7851 - 7900 24
7901 - 7950 25
7951 - 8000 26
8001 - 8050 27
8051 - 8100 28
8101 - 8150 29
8151 - 8200 30
8201 - 8250 31
8251 - 8300 32
8301 - 8350 33
8351 - 8400 34
8401 - 8450 35
8451 - 8500 36
8501 - 8550 37
8551 - 8600 38
8601 - 8650 39
8651 - 8700 40
8701 - 8750 41
8751 - 8800 42
8801 - 8850 43
8851 - 8900 44
8901 - 8950 45
8951 - 9000 46
9001 - 9050 47
9051 - 9100 48
9101 - 9150 49
9151 - 9200 50
9201 - 9250 51
9251 - 9300 52
9301 - 9350 53
9351 - 9400 54
9401 - 9450 55
9451 - 9500 56
9501 - 9550 57
9551 - 9600 58
9601 - 9650 59
9651 - 9700 60
9701 - 9750 61
9751 - 9800 62
9801 - 9850 63
9851 - 9900 64
9901 - 9950 65
9951 - 10000 66

Leaderboard Prizes

At the conclusion of the Arena Season, participants will earn some amazing prizes based on their position on the leaderboard.

Rank Aegis' Honour Astral Gear Alandra Statue Abhorrence Statue Lupita Statue Brandr Statue
1 - 35 Epic x 3 Obsidian Obsidian Obsidian Obsidian
36 - 250 Epic x 3 Gold Gold Obsidian Obsidian
251 - 500 Epic x 2 Silver Silver Obsidian Obsidian
501 - 1000 Rare x 3 Silver Silver Gold Obsidian
1001 - 2000 Rare x 1 Bronze Bronze Silver Gold
2001 - 3000 Superior x 3 Bronze Bronze Bronze Silver
3001 - 4500 Common x 3 Bronze Bronze Bronze Bronze