
Event Schedule

This event will run from Friday, January 12th at 11:00 am UTC to Monday, January 15th at 11:00 am UTC.

Event Requirements

Stronghold level 6+

Event Style

Kingdom Leaderboard
Event Values
Chaos Gems

  • Multiplayer: +20 Chaos Gems
  • Arena: +20 Chaos Gems
  • Ancients Chaos Gems:
Ancient Rarity_Common.png Rarity_Superior.png Rarity_Rare.png Rarity_Epic.png Rarity_Legendary.png Rarity_Mythic.png
Yazu - 2 4 6 - -
Sila 1 2 - - - -
Lilith - 2 4 6 8 15
Morrigan - 2 4 6 8 10
  • Booster Values
    • Chaotic Spirit, Chaos Surge and Phase Shift Boosters:
      • Superior: +2 Chaos Gems
      • Rare: +4 Chaos Gems
      • Epic: +6 Chaos Gems
      • Legendary: +10 Chaos Gems
    • Blinding Starlight Boosters:
      • Rare: +6 Chaos Gems
      • Epic: +10 Chaos Gems
      • Legendary: +20 Chaos Gems
      • Mythic: +54 Chaos Gems

Event Prizes

Prize Chaos Gems
Mythic Blinding Starlight Booster 1800
Bloodied Wedding Chest 3800
Mythic Blinding Starlight Booster 7800
Ashwood’s Haunting Chest 12,800
10 Crystals 19,800
5000 Chaos Primus 27,800
5 Runes 37,800
7500 Chaos Primus 48,800
20 Crystals 61,800
10,000 Chaos Primus 78,000

Event Leaderboard

Rank Kingdom Name Color Yazu's Mythic Ascension Material Yazu's Legendary Ascension Material Chaos Primus
1 Pink (26 Days) Halo of the Storm Yazu's Corona 240,000
2 - 10 - Halo of the Storm Yazu's Corona 240,000
11 - 25 - Halo of the Storm Yazu's Corona 200,000
26 - 60 - - Yazu's Corona 200,000
61 - 110 - - Yazu's Corona 80,000
111 - 150 - - - 60,000