
Event Schedule

This event will run from Friday, September 15th at 11:00 am UTC to Monday, September 18th at 11:00 am UTC.

Event Style

Individual Totaliser

Event Requirements


Event Values

  • Arena: +10 Lost Souls
  • Multiplayer: +10 Lost Souls
  • Bonus Lost Souls by Ancients:
Ancient rarity-common.png rarity-superior.png rarity-rare.png rarity-epic.png rarity-legendary.png rarity-mythic.png
Yalenati - - - 8 10 12
Xolonia - - - 8 10 22
Titoryki 4 4 4 - - -
  • Booster Values:
    • Death Knight, Soul Sacrifice, A Ruin's Shadow, Afterlife, Deathly Extract Boosters:
      • Superior: +1 Lost Soul
      • Rare: +2 Lost Souls
      • Epic: +3 Lost Souls
      • Legendary: +4 Lost Souls

Event Prizes

Prize Lost Souls
100,000 Gold 150
10,000 Death Primus 300
Chest of the Reaper 450
10 Death Essence 600
Titoryki 750
Chest of the Reaper 900
20,000 Death Primus 1050
15 Death Essence 1200
5,000 Chaos Primus 1350
20 Crystals 1500
Bronze Statue Chest 1650
10 Runes 1800
10,000 Chaos Primus 1950
50 Death Essence 2100

Death Essence

Death Essence
DeathEssence.png Death Essence is used to craft Cursed Alchemist's Crux which is used to ascend Titoryki.