
Event Schedule

This event will run from Friday, March 29th at 11:00 am UTC to Monday, April 1st at 12:00 pm UTC.

Event Requirements

Stronghold level 6+

Event Style

Kingdom Leaderboard

Event Values

Frost Fangs

  • Arena/PvP: +10 Frost Fangs
  • Bonus Frost Fangs by Ancients:
Ancient Rarity_Common.png Rarity_Superior.png Rarity_Rare.png Rarity_Epic.png Rarity_Legendary.png Rarity_Mythic.png
Viriato 1 2 3 5
Bulvarigg 1 1 2 3 5
Foreveil 2 2 4 6 15
Admiral Lee 1 2 3 5
Captain Lenora 1 1 2 3 5
Hegar 1 2 3 5
Kititi 1 1 1 2 3 5
  • Bonus Frost Fangs by Astral Gear:
Gear (Ancient) Rarity_Common.png Rarity_Superior.png Rarity_Rare.png Rarity_Epic.png
Pirate's Banner (Captain Lenora) 1 2 3 5
The Admiral's Compass (Admiral Lee) 1 2 3 5
  • Bonus Frost Fangs by Gryphons:
Gryphon Rarity_Common.png Rarity_Superior.png Rarity_Rare.png Rarity_Epic.png Rarity_Legendary.png Rarity_Mythic.png
Makani 1 1 1 2 3 5
  • Booster Values
    • Frost Infusion, Deep Freeze, Glacial Curse, Frost Arrows:
      • Superior: +1 Frost Fang
      • Rare: +2 Frost Fangs
      • Epic: +3 Frost Fangs
      • Legendary: +4 Frost Fangs
    • Guard:
      • Epic: +5 Frost Fangs
      • Legendary: +6 Frost Fangs
      • Mythic: +20 Frost Fangs

Event Prizes

Totaliser Prizes
Prize Frost Fangs
5000 Chaos Primus 100
Ancient Chest 500
10,000 Gryphon Fire Primus 1000
Foreveil's Legacy 2000
5000 Chaos Primus 3000
20,000 Gryphon Fire Primus 4000
5 Crystals 5000
25,000 Gryphon Ice Primus 7000
Makani (3 Days) 9000
15,000 Chaos Primus 11,000
10 Crystals 13,000
30,000 Gryphon Fire Primus 15,000
1 Ascension Material Chest Token 18,000
15 Crystals 21,000
40,000 Gryphon Fire Primus 24,000
Leaderboard Prizes
Rank Temporary Kingdom Name Colour Hegar's Mythic Ascension Tragard's Mythic Ascension Hegar's Legendary Ascension Tragard's Legendary Ascension Statue Chest
1 Red (26 Days) Mother's Memento Jora's Pendant Grandfather's Curse Anzu Treat Obsidian x 1
2 - 5 Mother's Memento Jora's Pendant Grandfather's Curse Anzu Treat Gold x 5
6 - 25 Mother's Memento Jora's Pendant Grandfather's Curse Anzu Treat Gold x 1
26 - 35 Jora's Pendant Grandfather's Curse Anzu Treat Silver x 3
36 - 90 Grandfather's Curse Anzu Treat Silver x 1
91 - 120 Anzu Treat Bronze x 3
121 - 150 Bronze x 1