Frozen Skies

Event Details
Start: Friday, June 24th @ 11:00 am UTC
End: Monday, June 27th @ 11:00 am UTC
Defeat your rivals in battle to earn Perfect Snowflakes for your Kingdom. Fight your way to the top of the ladder prizes to secure yourself a Captured Mist. Obtain this Captured Mist to bring Yukika to the Rare or Epic level and fight for the leaderboard to obtain a Blue Kingdom Name, A new temporary dragon, or a Frozen Soul to bring her to Legendary
How to join
- Stronghold 6+
How to Play
Play Rival Kingdoms and earn Perfect Snowflakes. The more Perfect Snowflakes you get, the better the prizes.
- PvP: + 6 Perfect Snowflakes
- Arena: + 10 Perfect Snowflakes
- Yukika: + 4 Perfect Snowflakes
Booster Values:
Ice Elemental Boosters:
- Superior: +14 Perfect Snowflakes
- Rare: +16 Perfect Snowflakes
- Epic: +20 Perfect Snowflakes
- Legendary: +40 Perfect Snowflakes
Shatter Boosters:
- Legendary: +14 Perfect Snowflakes
Cold Blood Boosters:
- Epic: +10 Perfect Snowflakes
Frost Infusion Boosters:
- Epic: +10 Perfect Snowflakes
Event Prizes
Prize | Perfect Snowflakes Required |
100000 Gold | 1000 |
10 Crystals | 5000 |
10 Mithril Shares | 15000 |
1000000 Gold | 21000 |
5000 Ice Primus | 22000 |
20 Mithril Shards | 24000 |
20 Crystals | 28000 |
10000 Ice Primus | 36000 |
30 Mithril Shards | 47000 |
2 x Cursed Strongbox | 60000 |
2 x Sparking Strongbox | 63000 |
2 x Glacial Strongbox | 66000 |
2 x Toxic Strongbox | 69000 |
2 x Inferno Strongbox | 72000 |
1 Mithril | 75000 |
Captured Mist | 80000 |
Leaderboard Prizes
Rank | Coloured Name | Legendary Ascension Material | Temporary Dragon | Statue Chest |
1 | Blue Kingdom name (30 days) | Frozen Soul | Kuraokami (21 Days) | Gold |
2-5 | - | Frozen Soul | Kuraokami (14 Days) | Gold |
6-25 | - | Frozen Soul | Kuraokami (7 Days) | 2 x Silver |
26-60 | - | Frozen Soul | Kuraokami (3 Days) | Silver |
61-120 | - | Frozen Soul | N/A | 2 x Bronze |
121-320 | - | N/A | N/A | 2 x Bronze |