
Event Schedule

This event will run from Friday at 11:00 am UTC to Monday at 11:00 am UTC. See the Events Overview for schedule.

Event Requirements

Stronghold level 6+

Event Style

Kingdom Leaderboard

Event Values

  • Arena/PvP: +10 Battle Points
  • Bonus Battle Points by Astral Gear:
Gear Rarity_Common.png Rarity_Superior.png Rarity_Rare.png Rarity_Epic.png Rarity_Legendary.png Rarity_Mythic.png
Victor's Souvenir - - - - 15 17
An Dullahan's Steed - - - - 15 17
The Reaper's Scythe - - - - 15 17
Elder's Emblem (Death) - - - - 15 17
Baba Yaga's Pestle - - - - 15 17
Aku's Moonlight - - - - 15 17
Xolonia's Sacrifice - - - - 15 -
Predator's Claws - - - - 15 -
Tokemi's Timepiece - - - - 15 -
Invisible Strings - - - - 15 -
Lilith's Bite - - - - 15 -
Morrigan's Wail - - - - 15 -
Drowned Corsair's Obsession - - - - 15 -
Astral Stone 4 8 12 - - -
  • Bonus Battle Points by Gryphons:
Gryphon Rarity_Common.png Rarity_Superior.png Rarity_Rare.png Rarity_Epic.png Rarity_Legendary.png Rarity_Mythic.png Rarity_Overcharge.png
Gryphon 1 1 2 3 4 5 7
  • Booster Values
    • Blinding Starlight, Water Spirit, Distorted Time, Fire Whelp, Mana Hunter, Phoenix Feather, Liquid Bolt, Song of Storms:
      • Mythic: +5 Battle Points

Event Prizes

Quantity/Rarity/Duration Prize Battle Points
1 Ascension Material Chest Token 100
20 Runes 250
1 Ascension Material Chest Token 500
10,000 Pure Primus 1000
1 Ascension Material Chest Token 1500
40 Runes 2000
10,000 Chaos Primus 3000
1 Ascension Material Chest Token 4000
20,000 Pure Primus 5000
1 Ascension Material Chest Token 6000
25,000 Pure Primus 7000
1 Ascension Material Chest Token 8500
3 Day Gryphon Chest Token 10,000
1 Ascension Material Chest Token 11,000
20,000 Chaos Primus 13,000
25,000 Pure Primus 14,000
1 Ascension Material Chest Token 16,000
80 Runes 18,000
30,000 Chaos Primus 21,000
30,000 Pure Primus 23,000
1 Ascension Material Chest Token 25,000
40,000 Pure Primus 28,000
40,000 Chaos Primus 30,000

Leaderboard Prizes

Rank Kingdom Name Colour Relic Energy Astral Supply Box Astralite Statue Chest Token
1 Purple (26 Days) 20,000 20 100 Pearl x 1
2 - 15 20,000 20 100 Pearl x 1
16 - 30 14,000 14 85 Obsidian x 3
31 - 50 12,000 10 85 Obsidian x 2
51 - 80 8000 8 85 Obsidian x 1
81 - 100 5000 6 85 Gold x 3