
Event Schedule

This event will run from Friday, May 8th at 11:00 am UTC to Monday, May 11th at 11:00 am UTC.

Event Requirements

Stronghold level 6+

Event Style

Kingdom Totaliser

Event Values

Battle Points

  • Arena/PvP: +10 Battle Points
  • Bonus Battle Points by Ancients:
Ancient Rarity_Common.png Rarity_Superior.png Rarity_Rare.png Rarity_Epic.png Rarity_Legendary.png Rarity_Mythic.png
Morrigan 2 2 4 6 10
Bask 1 1 2 3 5
Anir 1 1 2 3 5
Karis Sunstaff 2 3 5
Sulric 1 1 2 3 5
  • Bonus Battle Points by Astral Gear:
Gear Rarity_Common.png Rarity_Superior.png Rarity_Rare.png Rarity_Epic.png Rarity_Legendary.png
Lilith's Bite 1 2 3 4 8
Siku's Yearning 1 2 3 4 8
Abhorrence's Rage 1 2 3 4 8
Anir's Vow 1 2 3 4 8
Karis' Valour 1 2 3 4 8
Sulric's Wrath 1 2 3 4 8
  • Bonus Battle Points by Gryphons:
Gryphon Rarity_Common.png Rarity_Superior.png Rarity_Rare.png Rarity_Epic.png Rarity_Legendary.png Rarity_Mythic.png
Gryphon 1 1 1 2 3 5
  • Booster Values
    • Death Elemental, Fire Elemental, Fiery Blast, Song of Despair:
      • Superior: +1 Battle Point
      • Rare: +2 Battle Points
      • Epic: +3 Battle Points
      • Legendary: +4 Battle Points
      • Mythic: +5 Battle Points
    • Valorous:
      • Superior: +6 Battle Points
      • Rare: +20 Battle Points

Event Prizes

Prize Battle Points
Superior Valorous Booster 50
10,000 Gryphon Nature Primus 250
10 Crystals 500
30,000 Chaos Primus 1000
Common Morrigan's Wail 2000
25,000 Gryphon Ice Primus 3000
Varya (3 Days) 5000
Superior Valorous Booster 7000
20,000 Gryphon Nature Primus 9000
20 Crystals 12,000
25,000 Gryphon Lightning Primus 15,000
Ascension Material Chest Token 18,000
Rare Valorous Booster 23,000
Superior Morrigan's Wail 27,000
Temporary +Ring Perk 33,000
30,000 Chaos Primus 38,000
30,000 Gryphon Nature Primus 45,000
Mithril 52,000
Rare Morrigan's Wail 59,000
30,000 Gryphon Nature Primus 67,000
30 Crystals 76,000
40,000 Chaos Primus 86,000
40 Crystals 96,000
40,000 Gryphon Nature Primus 100,000
Epic Morrigan's Wail 110,000