
Event Schedule

This event will run from Friday, May 11th at 11:00 am UTC to Monday, May 14th at 11:00 am UTC.

Event Requirements

Stronghold 6+

Event Style

Kingdom Totaliser

Event Values
Pure Jade Acorns

  • Arena/Multiplayer: +10 Pure Jade Acorns
  • Ancients Pure Jade Acorns:
Ancient Rarity_Superior.png Rarity_Rare.png Rarity_Epic.png Rarity_Legendary.png Rarity_Mythic.png
Erasmus - 2 3 5 10
Swiftwing 2 2 3 5 10
Lupita - 1 1 2 3
Viscaria - - 1 2 3
  • Astral Gear Pure Jade Acorns:
Gear/Ancient Rarity_Common.png Rarity_Superior.png Rarity_Rare.png Rarity_Epic.png
Harpy’s Restoration (Swiftwing) 1 2 5 10
  • Booster Values
    • Revenge, Hawkeye Potion:
      • Superior: +1 Pure Jade Acorn
      • Rare: +2 Pure Jade Acorns
      • Epic: +3 Pure Jade Acorns
      • Legendary: +5 Pure Jade Acorns
    • Song of Haste:
      • Superior: +10 Pure Jade Acorns
      • Rare: +35 Pure Jade Acorns

Event Prizes

Totaliser Prizes
Prize Pure Jade Acorns
2000 Gryphon Lightning Primus 400
Silver Trickster's Coffer 1400
Faye 3300
10,000 Nature Primus 5900
Gold Trickster's Coffer 9300
3000 Gryphon Lightning Primus 13,000
20,000 Nature Primus 18,000
10 Crystals 23,000
3000 Gryphon Lightning Primus 30,000
Superior Song of Haste Boost 37,000
5000 Gryphon Lightning Primus 45,000
10 Runes 53,000
Superior Song of Haste Boost 62,000
7000 Gryphon Lightning Primus 73,000
10,000 Chaos Primus 83,000
Rare Song of Haste Boost 95,000
40 Crystals 100,000
20 Runes 120,000
10,000 Gryphon Lightning Primus 130,000
Burgeoning Thistle 140,000