Forum » Rival Kingdoms / Kingdom Recruitment
Number of threads: 821
Number of posts: 1658
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Welcome to the Kingdom Recruitment section on our official Wiki!

The future of creation hangs in the balance. A New Darkening looms and the realm of Estara has been plunged into war. Recruit and build your Kingdom in the war-torn land of Estara, and fight each other and the world-threatening Ruin!

Use this community section to recruit fellow players of Rival Kingdoms. Don’t be afraid to be creative! This can be in the form of a post, video, poster, or story.

Before posting, please see our Community Guidelines.

[Please note that any posts not related to Kingdom Recruitment may be removed at Space Ape Games sole discretion.]
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We're a super active kingdom looking for active members to grow with us.. we are coed kingdom of mixed nationalities..we have fun..we chat 24/7 in game and LINE.. I came to the kingdom as SH9 and made SH11 in 2wks and is now 2days away from SH12..that just goes to show how active the kingdom is.. join us and this could happen to you..
by: TrrippTrripp
25 Jul 2015 23:42