Forum » Rival Kingdoms / Kingdom Recruitment » Lions Den entering claymore league
Started by: King Ben DoverKing Ben Dover
Date: 02 Jul 2015 20:31
Number of posts: 1
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Lions Den is entering claymore league and will compete but we need active players to help with daily kingdom raid but you must have a minimum sh 7 and up to join. We are an active, fun but serious when it comes to winning so we are competitive, we support each other and we help each other grow and we do it fast. We also started a fb page for our members to stay in touch with what's happening in our kingdom and we have in the works right now a YouTube video maker to help defeat the other kingdoms sentinel. This way if you are having problems defeating the sentinel you can watch that video to get a different type of strategy to defeat him. Plus much more TBA in the near future so join now!
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