These little winged creatures are drawn to mana like moths to a flame. Once they get the scent of it they're not easily stopped.
They can be unlocked in the Barracks, or summoned by Ancient: Karis Sunstaff (up to Level 6).

Range 2.5 Tiles
Troop Size 1
Movement Speed 3.3
Attack Speed 0.68 attacks per second (1.47s)
Troop Specialty Destruction Mana Bonus (+1)
Favorite Target No Preference
Weak Against Skywatcher Defenses
Level Upgrade Cost (Gold) Upgrade Cost (Rings) Upgrade Cost (Arcadian Coins) Upgrade Time Blacksmith Level
1 - - - - -
2 81,000 - - 2 Days 3
3 200,000 - - 3 Days 4
4 420,000 20 - 4 Days 5
5 1,000,000 150 - 6 Days 7
6 1,300,000 230 - 7 Days 8
7 1,600,000 300 - 8 Days 9
8 2,700,000 800 - 10 Days 11
9 3,755,000 1,100 - 10 Days 13
10 4,810,000 1,500 - 10 Days 14
11 12,030,000 2,700 - 12 Days 15
12 13,000,000 7,000 - 12 Days 16
13 14,000,000 9,000 - 14 Days 17
14 18,200,000 16,000 - 14 Days 18
15 25,000,000 20,000 - 14 Days 19
16 33,500,000 22,000 - 14 Days 20
17 - 22,000 33,500 14 Days 21
Level Health Damage Per Second Target Damage
1 70 7.8 11 - 12
2 85 9.83 14 - 15
3 90 10.85 15 - 17
4 100 11.53 16 - 18
5 115 14.24 20 - 22
6 120 15.93 22 - 25
7 130 17.29 24 - 27
8 145 20.34 28 - 32
9 186 31.19 44 - 48
10 210 40.34 57 - 62
11 243 46.78 66 - 72
12 259 49.49 70 - 76
13 293 56.00 79 - 86
14 331 63.00 89 - 97
15 374 72.00 101 - 110
16 441 85.00 119 - 129
17 587 112.00 159 - 172