Range Melee
Attack Speed 0.4 attacks per second (2.5s)
Attack Area 3.5
Troop Size 7
Movement Speed 1.8
Troop Specialty Reaver attacks deal damage in an area around their target, and grant themselves and nearby troops a lifesteal aura. Reavers cannot be affected by buffs, including heals.
Level Upgrade Cost (Gold) Upgrade Cost (Rings) Upgrade Cost (Arcadian Coins) Upgrade Time Blacksmith Level
1 - - - - - -
2 42,000,000 30,000 - 14 Days 22
Level Health Damage per Second Damage Per Shot Lifesteal Aura Aura Range
1 3572 410.08 981.60 - 1068.80 4% 5
2 4287 512.60 1227.00 - 1336.00 5% 5